I Am

10 Apr 2023

I Am Strong

I am feeling able to cope with difficulties too many to mention… 

I Am Attentive

I am paying such close, exquisite, and detailed attention…

I Am Determined

I am resolute, showing gentle, persevering determination…

I Am Alert

I am quick to notice, take ownership, and to take action…

I Am Excited

My joy is ignited!  I am looking forward to things once more…

I Am Interested

I want to be involved in something like never before…

I Am Proud

I’ve come this far, an achievement that’s worth some applaud…

I Am Inspired

I feel the desire to do, and to let my heart soar…

I Am Enthusiastic

I am ecstatic, showing eagerness for a life to the full

I Am Active

I am full of the energy I need to pull through. 

“What we resist… persists!”  Try not to think about me wearing a tutu! Pink of course... maybe with sequins. A rather fat and friendly fairy. Some of you need more therapy just with that thought. It's impossible not to visualise what we don't want!!

Today, I thought we, in the spirit of renewal, resurrection, and hope, would focus on the 10 signs of hope from our Moodscope test. Both these and the negative sets are necessary for Moodscope to work, but just for today, we’ll focus on the only way… which is up, baby!

And, I had a go at rhyming my renewed affirmations for the direction I’d like to go in with my moods today and this week. I’ve programmed them like postcodes – destinations – into my SatNav of hope.

Our hope, our imagined future, most definitely affects how we feel, think, and act today – so let’s give ourselves a nudge, a skip, and a jump in the right direction – a future full of energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, even if it is invisible behind a mountain that stands in our way.

Affirmations speak to the mountain.


A Moodscope member

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