I am not ready to…

29 Sep 2022

I have been thinking about what these 5 words mean in my life and others.

We often feel pressure to live a certain way, behave a certain way, marry, don’t marry, have children, don’t have children, follow the profession your parents want you to study, be a certain size, be sporty, dress a certain way etc.

I have asked a few people what they think those words mean to them. Here’s my contribution.

I am not ready to:

Take a risk on another relationship.

Look for my birth mother.

Be like other people my age.

Let my mental health define me.

Stop trying to write my story.

I wonder if you can complete that phrase “I am not ready to” and relate it to your life.

It can be heartfelt, funny, serious, something that has just occurred to you or something that you have been thinking about for a while.

I invite  you to think about what the words mean to you and finish the first sentence.


A Moodscope member.

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