I am so tired sometimes.
I could sleep for a week, but I can’t sleep for ten minutes.
I yawn in the afternoons.
I am extremely sensitive and cry easily at times.
I have brain fog.
I forget things.
I find walking up hill exhausting.
I sleep in my clothes.
I slept on the train, missed my stop and walked home.
I have compiled this list from my experience and the words of friends and family.
What happens to you when you get so tired?
Please add to the list or maybe give her experience of one of the lines.
Do you know why you are so tired? Have you tried hundreds of ideas others have suggested but you are still so tired? I am discussing the general sense of fatigue that makes every life hard. You may sleep well you may not, but I am thinking of how you feel when so tired.
I am so tired... Please complete this line.
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