I am sorry…

20 Jan 2024

When I first started writing regular blog posts a few years ago I tried to follow some simple basic principles. I never put them in writing but mentally I wanted to:

- Write about something interesting related to Mental Health.

- Include some humour.

- Keep to around 500 words.

- Follow up every comment made.

Well you will see I have not met those principles today. I am sorry I have not provided my usual post. 

As you may know, I have not been well these last few weeks. Physically my body seems to be continually in battle with a demon virus. As a consequence my mental health has also suffered badly. The result has been almost total exhaustion. The loss of mental and physical energy (good topic for future post?) has had a dramatic effect on my daily life. I feel I have managed to exist but not live.    

I have obviously sought medical advice through my GP and cardiologist. 

I am hoping the worst of the viral symptoms are receding. I know I have enough resilience to bounce back and am confident normal service will resume very soon.


A Moodscope member

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