I believe in fairies.

4 Sep 2017

Adults have it all wrong. They spend little time on the really important stuff. We only need to look at a four year old, blowing bubbles in the wind to see the magic. The belly laugh when a concentrated-on bubble flies off the wand and pops! Or when a tumble of bubbles appear and the child feels like a King! I am lucky to have a video of my eldest daughter doing this very thing and it is one of my most treasured possessions. I'd picked up a cheap, plastic bubble machine, filled it with batteries and liquid and switched the switch to 'on'. The squeals!! I don't even need the video as I can remember every moment and sound. It was a windy afternoon and so she was caught up inside this magical tornado of bubbles.

It has been a long time since I felt that freedom. And yet it is vital.

Unless ye olde Knight wearing white satin appears on a steed outside my front door in the next wee bit, I'm not convinced I'm going to feel that sense of freedom today. Or tomorrow. But even in the writing of this first paragraph, it sent me back to a place where I felt wonderful. And that is all you need. Just for a few moments, recall something wonderful. And that is all you need. You have traversed yet another moment. Now you can carry on, just the same as you were, but now with a sprinkle of fairy dust on top. I declare no growing up today if we can at all avoid it!

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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