I can't believe you never learnt to…

1 Sep 2023

When  I have told people I never learnt to drive a car they often say;

Are you kidding?

OMG you belong in a museum.

I couldn’t cope without my car.

Others tell me of their elderly relative/neighbour who got her drivers licence at the age of 75 after her husband died.

I know several people around my age that don't drive and have never driven but when I tell people for the first time I feel  they treat me as an oddity.

Now I feel proud that I walk everywhere or use public transport, but for so many decades I did feel that I wasn't good enough because I couldn't Drive.

I wonder if any other Moodscopers have something they don't do that others have done all their lives.

Do others comments annoy you?

Maybe you have a good comeback .

I realised that Moodscopers reading this may not be able to relate to this directly, but there may be something most people can do but the Moodscoper can’t.

Maybe you've never eaten chewing gum or you haven't eaten fruit for 30 years or you can't swim.

Maybe you can't ride a bicycle, maybe you've never been able to Hula Hoop - anyway I'm hoping you'll get the idea and I just thought this would be a lighthearted way of just looking at things that some people can do and some people can't.


A Moodscope member

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