I Don't Do 'Demanding'.

28 Feb 2017

I feel a rant coming on, but bear with me!

I'm tired of demands being put on me. Enough already!

Does anyone else feel like they don't put upon anyone, ask very little of anyone yet people are relentless in wanting more from you?

I feel like taking a stand. Who'd like to join me? Let's have an enough is enough.

I'm tired of the guilt of not being perceived as a team player if I don't want to do what doesn't feel right but feel forced to because others would have to if I don't. For me 'Team' means all being on the same side, if there have to be sides that is.

I'm just tired full stop I think!

So today I'm going to take my time and do what I want to.

In the nicest possible way anyone who thinks it's ok to want more out of me will have to think again!

There will be days when I will be giving beyond measure. Needing something is different, but today I'm doing me and anyone who thinks that it's ok to be demanding will be met by a polite redirection!

Rant over.

I'm aware that there is a lot of negative energy and language here, which I haven't unpicked, just expressing what's on my mind.

Coming out of my head now and back in the room! Onwards and upwards!


A Moodscope member.

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