I don't do mornings.

9 Feb 2018

Meet morning Leah, but well let's face it you would be better off avoiding her.

Ever since I was a child I have not liked mornings. I was given a t-shirt as a teenager that read "I don't do mornings, you have been warned."

Morning Leah is quiet at best and grumpy, irritable and tired at worst.

Morning Leah can not make a decision, will be very critical and is totally unmotivated.

The good thing is, by lunch time, Morning Leah is Afternoon Leah and is much calmer and more reasonable.

So Evening Leah is full of energy and you can meet her if she will stay still long enough.

Evening Leah is very busy tidying up, sorting out, pricing and organising.

She has many plans, makes lots of decisions, she sends emails, posts on FB, texts her friends, phones anyone awake. She does not want to sleep as she has so much to do before Morning Leah wakes up being so slow and unmotivated.

Can anyone relate to me? I am not talking about bipolar moods but just not liking mornings and it being hard to motivate yourself in the morning and then having more energy at night and being more confident.

Or are you the other way around- energetic in the morning and early to bed?


A Moodscope member.

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