I have always wanted to ask…

22 Aug 2024

This is a bit of fun.

I wonder if you have a question or two you have wanted to ask someone, maybe a family member living or not close or distant, maybe a famous person, maybe an author, singer or writer or anyone in the arts, maybe a politician or anyone living or not.

Maybe you have a question for an inanimate object - could be a machine that annoys you or an object you lose or can’t live without or you are curious about, or an object you can improve.

This was inspired by the fact I lost my blog again even though I had saved it many times and did not wish to start again.

My question is to my Word document, “Why do you wait till I have written my blog and go to copy it before you decide to delete all of it? What have I ever done to you? I am kind and only swear when you lose my file.”

I would like to ask  Oscar Wilde if he had any idea that over 100 years after he died that his play ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ would be quoted so much as well as many of his witty sayings.?

Have a bit of fun, can be light hearted or more serious but enjoy.


A Moodscope member

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