I hear hurricanes a-blowin 

28 Nov 2021

Storm Arwen is battering my home and garden tonight, as I write. And I should say the entire UK, not just me!  It’s feeling a little arctic out there too. 

Anxiety can take over my bones at these times. It goes back to being 8 months pregnant, alone, my car stopped driving as I was caught in a snowstorm, found myself stranded, and walked home. For some reason it has left me a little on alert every time there is even a whisper of a winter storm. (The thing is it wasn’t that bad, and it was my own fault - I was hugely ill prepared, always been a slow learner…)

Back to tonight. My eldest child is away at Uni and I have comfort that she is largely able to care for herself, has good people in her life and would ask for help if she needs. My other two children are at home. The boiler has just been repaired. We have a couple of candles. The fridge is full.  Devices are fully charged. And, for a change, I feel I can, to some extent, surrender to the storm. Weather it. Feel it, watch it, and meet it.  


Settle down, back into your chair anxiety. You are not needed. 


May your day have wind only from lunch. 


Love from

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member.

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