I might have cracked it…

18 Apr 2023

It’s been a while since I have posted here and most of the times that I have posted it’s been a sense of struggle. I am, for the most part, depression free. Now I’m not saying I feel amazing every day but all the work that I have put in to feel better (therapy, exercise, flow neuroscience headset - this really works by the way, at least for me! Try it! exercise consistently if you can, eat at least a little healthier, creating art (essentially something you enjoyed doing at some point in life or something you want to try) and eventually feeling good about it all and also having a job that pays me well (oh which I’m truly grateful for) All these and still working at it had actually made me stronger, I feel more positive about life, I’m in good shape etc.

If there are things that I have learnt through all this and the many times I’ve been through this, is that you are stronger than you think! never give up, the light will shine again no matter how dark it feels. It’s very very hard work but there is hope and we all can somehow get through it. I have so far and so can you.  

I wish you all the best and thanks for being a listening ear when I needed it.

Finally I’ve given you all some better news on my blog.

Oh and set boundaries (which I’m still learning how to do effectively) very key to our mental health!  And learning gratitude which I’m sure you all know already.

All the best.


A Moodscope member

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