I remember... and I didn’t know

4 Aug 2023

Today I am doing my two blogs in one where I give sentence starters that encourage Moodscopers to participate. 

You can write as little as you want or as much as you like. Maybe close your eyes for minute, take a breath and type whatever comes out. There are no right or wrong comments just a chance to read a variety of comments from Moodscopers.

I find writing prompts can help me deal with something on my mind that I maybe wasn’t aware of.

I remember how scared and alone I felt when I first started having my mood swings at age 14. I remember feeling that I wouldn’t cope with the rest of my life as I lived in a world when mental illness was shameful, and people called me lazy and spoilt.

I didn’t know how much I would miss my parents who died 16 and 21 years ago.

I didn’t know how I would still need a parent in my 50s and 60s.

Now take your turn, completing the following:

I remember….

I didn’t know….


A Moodscope member

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