I sometimes wish I had…

24 Mar 2023

Do you ever wish sometimes that things were different, that something is missing in your life?

It is not that you are unhappy but just muse I sometimes wish I had.

For me I wish I had a sister. Maybe I have watched too many TV shows and movies or read books where sisters have a strong bond and are very close. In reality I know there are sisters who fight and rarely talk or see each other. Still the idea of having close confidant for a sister seems appealing, sometimes.

Also sometimes I wish I had skills in hand eye coordination and ball games. I was so clumsy and slow that no one ever wanted me on their team and I was always picked last. I wish that just once I could play tennis with friends and not be left to mind children or prepare afternoon tea.

These are just idle wishes that I don’t think about a lot.

I would like you to complete the following “I sometimes wish I had...”

It can be serious, heartfelt, whimsical, funny whatever you want to share.


A Moodscope member

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