I spied upon a New Year party.

20 Jan 2018

I had a phone call to make at 6.15am. My slumber was broken from 5.30am as my mind checked in, annoyingly eager to stand to attention. I could hear the birds chattering a little as the day broke.

My call took a while, it grew arms and legs, and it was 7.20am before I was finished. The lure of the kettle wasn't enough. It was school holidays and I had slumbering teenagers... too much temptation for me and I attempted to sneak in a little more sleep. An hour later I realised I would have been better rising at 5.30am. The attempt at sleep lead only to a jumble of light dozing and crazy dreams.

Anyway. The party came after that. Drawing back the curtains it was a grey day outside. The hills over the back were missing in action due to cloud. Gardens dreary. Paths quiet. I am lucky that I have a fantastic tree in my back garden. She looks flimsy but is as strong as an ox. She is so laden with red berries during the winter that she resembles someone who has gone shopping and bought more than they can carry. All the other trees around paled into the grey and this girl shone like a West End leading lady dripping in rubies.

The birds. My feathered friends were leading by example and lining up in an orderly manner in all the other trees around. They took it in turns to exchange trees, swooping into Ruby Tuesday for a pause. Sometimes a berry was picked and sometimes they just sat for a moment. This time no chattering. Just fun! They were actually taking turns. No more than one cradled into her arms at any time. Their antics were hilarious and kept me amused. I am so glad I spent a little time spying on their party. I'm no longer keen on parties but it was good to learn there are many ways to celebrate. Another lesson learned.

I don't really have a message today. It was just to say hello.

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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