There is something about a walk that always helps me.
When I feel tired and unmotivated I used to go on walks. Not just as a way to get around as I can’t drive, but I used a walk as exercise and a way to clear my head. Now I try to really observe and try to stay in the moment.
The other day I saw a flock of sulphur crested cockatoos squawking and flapping. They flew from tree to tree and I was mesmerised by their sound and white plumages.
Walking means different things to everyone and I know some Moodscopers will be sighing thinking what a simple or even boring topic. Maybe if you don’t like walking you could explain why.
I would like to read your thoughts about walking and things you have observed and what part walking plays in your life. You could walk inside or outside, a long or a short walk, a new walk or a familiar one. Observe your environment, and like me, you may hear or see or feel or smell things you have not before. When I walk, I say hello to people then notice how people respond. Some smile, some say hello while others keep walking eyes down and pretend not to notice me.
I know many live in picturesque places, but I find all observations fascinating. On my veranda I found a dead possum. I like looking at the different shape of leaves and how many greens I can count.
So can you complete some, one or all of the following;
I was walking when….
Walking makes me feel…
Sometimes I don’t like walking because…
Sometimes I am glad I made myself go on a walk because…
Of course, walking includes using a wheelchair, a cane, walking aids, a walker etc.
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