If I Were Perfect

6 Mar 2019

If I were perfect, my house would be clean;

My carpets all hoovered; my taps would all gleam.

If I were perfect I’d complete every chore

And you’d be happy to eat your dinner from my floor.

The dust bunnies would be banished, the grime all gone

Papers would be tidied and the admin all done.

The ironing would be smooth and all put away

And the bins would be emptied at the end of each day.

If I were perfect, our meals would be planned

We’d eat five a day and sugar would be banned.

My children would eat with relish and delight

And then they’d wash up with no hint of a fight.

Oh, if I were perfect, I’d never be cross

With my husband and children – and I’d always be boss.

My business would prosper, my clients would pay;

I’d be filled with such joy as I worked every day.

If I were perfect, I’d be slim and fit

Of gin and chocolate I’d consume not a bit.

I’d lift weights for pleasure and have lots of fun

And smile as I trained for that 5K fun run.

But, if I were perfect, my friends would all leave

They’d laugh at me: “Who are you trying to deceive?”

Where is the Mary we all love and know?

We want to find her under this show!

The Mary we love is scatty but kind,

She’s warm and witty with a sharp mind.

We know she hates housework and that’s okay,

We’d rather she wrote blogs than do cleaning all day.

The Mary we love gets impatient at times.

Her kids drive her crazy, time out of mind.

But we know she loves them, and we know she loves us

Life’s too short for that perfectionism fuss.

So, if you despair because you’re not there yet

And you’ve failed because of targets not met.

Just think of what your “perfection” would be

And what we’d lose – the stuff that makes you and me –

Just perfect.


A Moodscope member

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