If you knew what you want ...

Happiness strategies
2 Mar 2023

How many subconscious family habits, absorbed in childhood, rule your life and dictate your behaviour? 

For me there is quite a lot that I am conscious of from physical past-times like cycling and hill walking (picked from my dad), to licking a marmitey knife or my mum's chewing a roast dinner bone clean.

It's taken me a while - almost my entire adult life! - to realise that some of the things I do, I do for/inspired by other people. So now I have given up the cycling which I never really enjoyed as a past-time, but still continue to walk the hills as this is something I genuinely enjoy.

So what behaviours - that don't serve you well and are just inherited habit - could you give up today?

Just some guy

A Moodscope member

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