I'm here for you.

28 Oct 2017

I know words won't take away your pain.

But I'm here for you.

When you feel like no one cares, I do.

I'm here for you.

When others judge, or criticize, or roll their eyes, I won't.

I'm here for you.

If it's 3 am and you don't want to burden anyone, call me.

I'm here for you.

If it seems so dark and the walls are closing in, I'll be your light and guide you.

I'm here for you.

If you feel like no one understands, I do. I've been there.

And I'm here for you.

When you can think of nothing good to say about yourself, I have a long list of good I see in you, right here for you.

When you can think of no reason to go on, I will be your reason.

I need to be here for you.

When you are upset for no reason, you don't need to give me a reason to be here for you.

When you don't want advice or a lecture, and you just need someone to sit with you,

I'll sit here with you.

When you feel like you have failed, you haven't.

You were here for me.

Now I'm here for you.

I just love this poem which was published by Amie Merz, a counselor based in the US who writes a blog on healthyplace.com.

I hope you all have someone who would be there if you needed them. And if not, the Moodscope community are always here for you.


The Moodscope team.

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