I'm not OK.

9 Feb 2016

I've been spending so much time of late trying to convince others and myself that I'm OK, that I have stopped to check.

So busy convincing that I've been ignoring the palpitations during the day and the bursts of agitation that arrive when it's time to go to sleep.

Today though the little voice that exists within each of us got through. It said: "I'm not OK." And I heard it.

It may sound a little odd but I was pleased. Pleased that it had got through and that it hadn't been muffled completely as is so often the case.

This little voice allowed me to run a 'body scan', to see that the vital signs weren't all together right. I was feeling tense, I was worried and anxious. And that was OK.

Sometimes all it takes is noticing and naming a feeling to make it dissipate. The more we try to muffle that voice, the louder it shouts.

Take a minute to scan yourself, what's going on for you in this moment?

With gratitude


A Moodscope member.

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