When my loved ones are asked what is my biggest flaw, they say in unison 'impatience". I find this perplexing because if you asked me what is my greatest strength I would say patience.
What is happening here, are my loved ones misreading my behaviour or do I have little insight into my behaviour. Maybe it is a matter of interpretation and context.
People say I am impatient when I see myself as eager and encouraging. When people talk I wait and listen but sometimes I may ask a question, which to me shows how interested I am, yet others see me as being impulsive and impatient. I see myself as being patient as I wait without complaining, I try to be patient with people who are having problems and to be tolerant of others behaviour.
I see patience as enduring difficult situations such as waiting calmly if things are delayed and it is also having provocation without responding in negative annoyance/anger.
Patience is the level of tolerance one can have before negativity in the form of comments and or behaviour but do we all have the same level of patience or does it vary from person to person and within the individual. I know when I feel low I am much more impatient and when I was manic I had virtually no patience with anyone else.
It occurred to me that I have always viewed patience in terms of degrees. As in common phrases like, "You just need to be a bit more patient" or "Developing patience." Or "Don't be so impatient."
Maybe the divide between impatience and patience is not along a scale. The change from impatience to patience is rather having a different attitude rather than an effort. Instead of being patient, maybe another way is to become patient.
When you are stressed how do you stay patient?
Do you have degrees of patience depending on your mood or the situation?
Do you think your friends/family see your level of patience different from your own?
A Moodscope member
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