In 100 Years

7 Apr 2024

How’s your sense of vitality growing? In this series, so far, we’ve added more movement to our weekly routine, we’ve suggested ways to eat that will boost the right chemicals in the brain and body, and we’ve even learned how to reframe setbacks as springboards, stumbling blocks into stepping stones…

Now it’s our turn to focus on reproducing more of what we want. Reproduction lies at the core of the wellbeing of our species. Will you be remembered in 100 years’ time? Are you already looking back on old family photos and trying to work out if that faded photograph is really your great-great aunt on your Mother’s side? What is the legacy that your predecessors have left (in addition to you – you are their most important gift to the future.

Recent copyright law in the UK is illustrative – after you’ve changed your energetic state and left this level of consciousness, your artistic endeavours will remain your copyright for 70 years. That’s not long, is it? How many of us know much about our ancestors from the 16th Century?

I’m going to suggest a project to gift to your future’s future – way beyond your conscious ability to see the impact. I think of this commitment to a time-frame that goes beyond lifespans when I see the avenue of 365 Beech trees at Kingston Lacy. Those who planted these elegant giants could only dream of what they would look like in 100 or even 200 years. But they still committed to the project.

Your mission (should you choose to receive it)? I’m going to ask you, and ask myself, to begin my family ‘Bible’ – not in the former sense of a book with genealogies in the front, but rather your own family book of wisdom. It really doesn’t matter if it ends up as 200 words or 200 pages… the ideal is to capture your wisdom for future generations – to leave a legacy of your values and principles.

If you are not offended by the gratuitous use of the ‘f’ word, Mark Manson’s video is a rather good example of the kind of content I was thinking of:

Have Fun Reproducing!


A Moodscope member

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