Inspirational teachers

25 Mar 2025

If you ever listen to programmes like Desert Island Discs, or read interviews with famous people, they will often speak with gratitude and affection of a teacher who spotted their talent, and gave them the confidence to work hard to achieve their goals. Quite often these will be people who came from uneducated or humble backgrounds, with parents who were unable or unwilling to nurture their ambitions.

One such footballer mentioned a teacher who he has always stayed in contact with. They meet at least once a year at the hometown football club, the teacher now being in his late 80's. How wonderful it must feel to be such a person, knowing you will never be forgotten by those you taught.

When I look back to my all-female grammar school there are few teachers that stand out in a really good way. Some were plain horrible, others blue stockings who presumably had once loved their subject, but were completely unable to bring it to life, teaching by rote. The school had the highest number of Oxbridge entrants for our area, and unless you were a swot they lost interest in you. 

I did have fulsome praise from some teachers, and had my work put into exhibitions or national newspaper competitions. There was no follow-up though, or discussions about how I might set about making use of my bit of talent.

Did you get advice as child that changed things for you? If not, what would you like to have been told?

Here is the good talking to that I would have valued. Who knows, it just might have prevented me from being an art school drop-out, pregnant at 17!

"Valerie, I know that you and the other girls laugh at some of us teachers."Old Maid" and "boring frump". We are not stupid. Let me tell you this though, I have a qualification that could enable me to work in any part of the world. I have a good salary, my own house, I am not dependent on any man. You are intelligent, but I suspect your mind is preoccupied by thoughts of romance, meeting a man who will love and care for you.

What you must remember is that you may never meet that man, or if you do he could die or walk out on you. I see you have been accepted for art school. You certainly have the artistic temperament, but be honest, it's the idea of being an art student that appeals isn't it? You lack drive, ambition, hunger to succeed. You have some talent, but you will let it wither on the vine. I have seen it happen.

My advice would be to get some skills that will always be needed. Learn to type, cut hair, do window dressing, flower arranging, be a kennel maid. When you drop out of art school, as you surely will, you will not be such an easy prey if you have some confidence that you can manage without a man. Who knows, you could even end up a happy old maid like me."


A Moodscope member

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