Is it ok to have good friends of the opposite sex?

18 Jan 2024

In a world full of sexual ambiguity, I wondered what you Moodscopers' felt about your friendships with members of the opposite sex?

In my case, most of my best and most trusted friends are female. My male buddies think this 'a bit weird' to quote one?! When I asked him why, this was the response: 'Well, how can you just be friends? Don't you just want to sleep with them all?' The answer is an emphatic 'No' in case you were wondering?!

This quite neatly demonstrates the way some men (and for that matter, women) think.

I had a female friend, who got it into her mind that I was in a relationship with another (woman). This was untrue but instead of asking me, just ghosted me. The old Robin would have been vociferous about it. Instead, I accepted that she was constrained by her own thinking and prejudice. She had judged me, without speaking to me or hearing me. That's life sometimes.

It's an important lesson in your own self-worth I think? If you're happy with your place in the world, why worry about someone else says or thinks about you? You know yourself better than anyone, don't you? So ditch those with so-called negative energy and concentrate on what's really important: you!!

Robin Goodfellow

A Moodscope member

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