Is learning from mistakes possible?

Personal development
13 Jan 2023

“You Don’t make mistakes. Mistakes make you. Mistakes make you smarter. They make you stronger, and they make you more self-reliant.”

I have heard this quotation several times and recently in a movie called The Last Word where Shirley Maclaine‘s character says these lines.

I do like sayings, but I like to really examine them and see if I can relate to them.

I have made some mistakes that did not make me stronger or smarter, sometimes I make mistakes over and over.

I have rushed into relationships without getting to know the person. I didn’t learn from this as I have done it three times. It made me sad and tired not stronger or smarter.

I was thinking, are there mistakes that you have made that did make you stronger, wiser, more resilient etc.

Do you always learn from your mistakes or like me have you repeated them?


A Moodscope member

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