A question I keep asking myself - How should I be feeling as I Grieve for the loss of my dad six weeks ago?
My answer is simply I dont know. You see part of me is still in shock and numbed by how my dad's time with us was so limited as he died so quicly, just fifteen weeks after diagnosis.
I cry still, but then sometimes I have a big smile on my face as I remember something funny dad said or did. Should I be moping around? My answer is definitely not as I know my dad wouldn't want that. I can feel him around me, giving me strength to carry on with life.
I am a sufferer of depression, but for past 12 months it's settled as I've started to understand it, working with my mind, to recognise the triggers which sometimes set a feeling off.
I like to think happy and positive thoughts for everyone and that keeps me going. It doesn't mean I dont struggle still, it's just I focus on others a lot as it helps me stay positive.
But my question still remains, is there a certain way to grieve?
A Moodscope member.
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