Is writing always the answer?

9 Feb 2024

How often do people tell us to write down our thoughts to gain clarity.Sometimes I find writing helps but at other times it can make things more complicated. I have written before about the benefits of writing to oneself in the third person but I usually don’t share these in a blog.

A Letter to Myself. 

Dear Leah

I know you are struggling with a few things in your life as well.

You have trouble opening up to others because you have been told since you were a child that so many other people have far worse problems. At times you feel you have not been very good at long term relationships and you blame yourself. All your friends and family seem to be in relationships for over 40 years.

I think you compare yourself too much to others. Being in a difficult relationship does take its toll and I think emotionally you are exhausted and feel alone. You feel so fragile that you cry a lot. All this you feel makes it hard for you to write.

Not sure this has helped me. I find that writing to myself sometimes brings up old issues with no answers. I wonder, does anyone else feel writing is not always the answer? Or do you feel writing does always help you?

Does anyone have things that help when you are feeling writing is not helping?


A Moodscope member

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