
16 Apr 2020

I hope you all okay based on a very extraordinary and difficult time we are all experiencing, some more that others as with most catastrophic events.

I'm lucky that I can work from home (however I don't really enjoy it at all), have a steady income when so many are actually struggling. I do however feel isolated and what I used to do to keep me feeling better mentally has pretty much faded away. Okay, I know and understand there is a lot I can do at home, but there is only so much you can do before that dread of not being able to go out for at least a coffee with a friend or family, go to the social gathering at my local gym, just being able to walk about and not fear an invisible enemy starts taking its toll, and it's only week 3!!!

What I don't want is we don't learn from this awful experience as humans? The NHS have been underfunded and understaffed for a long time and if we were better equipped and better funded as a health system, then maybe we would have been better at coping when something like this happens? Perhaps.. I don't know.

I hope us talking via video doesn't become the normal, as it's not NORMAL! And what impact will social distancing have on us as a society? Only time will tell.

How are you all finding it? Has it made your mental health problems worse or just the same?

Keep safe, which I'm sure you all are.


A Moodscope member.

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