It has only been 7 days

9 Jan 2020

7 days since my life changed for ever.

7 days since I went from hoarder to minimalist.

7 days in which learnt who my friends are.

7 days in which I have become closer to my family.

7 days in which I am grateful to be alive.

7 days in which I love my children even more if that is possible.

7 days in which I discovered that 4 tops, 2 bottoms and one pair of shoes is enough.

7 days in which I miss my shop everyday.

7 days in which I have gone from owning thousands of books to 4.

7 days in which I have never felt so lost.

7 days in which I have said thank you more than sorry.

7 days in which I have lost confidence to write.

That is a start. I want to know what happened in seven days in any time in your life when there was much change. It could be anything big or small you want to share.

Please, I have shared this but I don't want this to be about poor Leah. I want to start a discussion.


A Moodscope member.

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