It Will Pass.

14 Apr 2017

When you're low everything seems to conspire to keep you there.

You know the fresh air will do you good but you'd rather stay under your duvet.

You know drinking water will help but you have a glass of wine or endless cups of tea and coffee.

You know you need some company but you can't bear the thought of socialising.

Going for a run might help but your legs feel like lead and are not going to budge.

You need to eat a healthy diet but it's easier to grab whatever is there from the fridge or cupboard, or not eat at all.

You know social media is bad for you but you trawl through everyone else's perfect lives.

You know you should distract yourself but you let the bad thoughts accumulate and fester.

You know some mindfulness or meditation, or simple deep breaths will calm you but you don't let yourself stop and try it.

You know you're not alone but your mind tells you no-one else wants to know you now.

You know you're ill and it's the illness keeping you in this place and it'll pass. This is the best bit of the knowing.

It will pass.


A Moodscope member.

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