It’s all about you

23 Oct 2022

Hello lovely people.  

Today, I thought I’d turn the blog around, like a mirror, to you. I have been writing here on Moodscope for about 8 years or so, and quietly reading-only for longer. In that time, I’ve wittered on about my life and related mental health, things that have worked, things that have not. And never once in that time have I ever asked what you might like to hear. 

I’ve been depressed many times in my adult life and lived with mental health challenges a lot too - I see these things as being slightly different from each other. Hopefully it has been useful to share, even if your own struggles have been different. 

Today I ask - what might you like to read from a blog? Hopefully this will be of interest not just to me but also to everybody who contributes writing. Words going out into the ether are just words, but to keep our discussions useful, succinct, elegant and creative, they also must have meaning. Perhaps pictures painted with words, designed to soothe. Perhaps inspiring stories of achievements over mood, designed to energise the day.  Perhaps examples and reminders of toolbox options, designed to fill us with choice as we navigate our mental health challenges. Perhaps simply just a peek inside somebody else’s life, so we feel less alone.

Today it’s a blank canvas. What helps you when you open a blog? I can’t promise to write well, but over the coming months, I’d love to explore your suggestions. 

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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