It's all about you.

25 Feb 2018

I Have been busy at work in the mine since we last met; but my lamp is well lit and keeps guiding me to the surface.

Today's blog is all about YOU!

Do you think your super intelligent/clever?

Are you a perfectionist?

Do you think you're not suffering from a brain illness?

Have you got any medical symptoms?

IBS, cold sores, headaches, fatigue, sore throats, paranoia?

Do you think you can read peoples minds?

Are you kind to people or horrible?

Do you cry; lose your temper at the flip of a coin? Do you have OCD a little like me?

Have you been to the doctor?

No ....I thought not!

Do you think you don't need medication?

There are many forms of brain illness - maybe you, yes you might have one?

Look in the Mirror

DO you love the person staring back at you?

Or is it all about you?

Many people who suffer in the darkness are very selfish.

Give something back today and I guarantee you will glow from your kindness and life will be brighter, take a tip from a wise old Miner!

The Miner

A Moodscope member.

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