Today I am writing about pure unadulterated joy. It is beautiful. I am not joking (do I ever?).
If you are of a certain vintage you may remember a sixties song by the ‘Small Faces’ group called ‘Itchycoo Park’. A strange title but there was one phrase in the lyrics that was repeated several times. It was “It’s all too beautiful”.
This phrase came into my conscious thoughts earlier today.
As usual I set out on my early morning walk choosing to go on the route that includes both local waterways. It takes me close to both the local stream and canal. As I started the early spring sunshine forced its way through the high white clouds.
After about 5 minutes I was crossing the bridge over the babbling stream. I turned along the footpath running parallel with the stream about 12 feet away. At irregular intervals there are worn earthen paths leading from the footpath to the waters edge. I decided to be brave and descended one of the steeper paths for the first time. When I arrived at the streams edge I was delighted. I could see both upstream and downstream. The flowing water followed a letter “S” shape. I could clearly hear the rippling water. No other noise was audible. It was beautiful!
After scaling back up the slope to the footpath I ambled around the next corner and the canal came into view. I quickly saw 2 ducks swimming gracefully through the water. I wondered whether any ducklings would be nearby. And there they were! Three furry bundles scurrying around on the surface of the water. They could not have been more than 14 days old and looked so vulnerable. But mother duck was keeping a watchful eye from close by. It was beautiful!
Finally I returned home. I sat on the swinging seat in the back garden. I gazed across and my eyes alighted on the Acer tree about 10 feet away. It is really a large bush measuring around 6 feet wide and 5 feet in height. It’s crimson leaves shimmered in the morning sunlight, illuminating the surrounding area. It was beautiful!
It’s all too beautiful and I was filled with joy.
Have you had similar beautiful experiences?
A Moodscope member.
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