It's okay to be not okay.

19 Jan 2014

Sometimes we need to admit that we don't feel okay and that that in itself is fine.

When things aren't going well and that feeling stays with you for a while and possibly even sets in as a mood you might start to worry.

But what if you just accept you are not okay? What if you just say to yourself, you know what, considering everything going on, it's okay that I feel this way?

I know that we all strive to be happy, and that is ideal, but what if just being okay is a more realistic goal?

Today I woke up and said "I'm not okay" and I followed that by saying "but it's okay that I'm not okay" and my worrying has lessened so I can carry on with today without beating myself up any more. It might take me a while to feel okay but that's all I'm aiming for. I'm not aiming for happiness or perfection at the moment, just to be okay.

So I have a little note stuck to my computer screen which says "It's okay to be not okay" to remind me that the downs are part of life and that I don't need to be perfect, that being perfect might actually include (in the words of Anne Lamott) "looking at the mess, the emptiness and discomfort and allowing it to be there until some light returns".

So maybe the best you can do today is say to yourself "I'm not okay but that's okay" and be brave and carry on.


A Moodscope user.

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