Jedi Nights Yes, I know that's spelt wrong.

8 Jun 2015

It's the "Jedi" bit that got me going. I was just about to spend out more money on yet another internet-based offer of information on how to sell effectively...when the 'still, small voice' inside said, "You've got plenty of knowledge already; you need to take action!"

This then reminded me of JDI - the Nike trademarked campaign (how can you trademark a phrase like that? Incredible.) So I can't use that. Then I wondered what "JEDI" could stand for. The answer came quickly, "Just Enthusiastically Do It!"

You see, the moment you take action, everything changes.

Nothing can remain the same because you live in a dynamic system where everything connects to everything else. In fact, everyone connects to everyone else! The flap of a butterfly's wings in Ushuaia, Argentina can caused a cool breeze to blow in Swanage, England.

This isn't a Jedi Mind-Game. Physical action makes the difference. You've got to say something, touch something, type something, move something.

Peter Thomson says, "Action is the key."

There are many types of action, but by far my favourite is "enthusiastic action" - doing something as if you are really enjoying it. Sometimes the thought of the end result is enough to help you find the enthusiastic motivation you need to drive your actions forward.

Vanda North shared a story with me years ago. It was about the rich kid who wanted a pony for his birthday. The parents already had stables, and a stall ready for a new pony. On the dawn of his birthday, the lad leapt out of bed, and, still in his pyjamas, ran to the vacant stable. The stable was full of poo - horse poo. With a yelp of delight, he mucked in and started digging into the pile of poo with total enthusiasm. Bemused, his parents joined him and asked him what he was so excited about. He answered with a grin, "Mum, Dad, with all this huge amount of poo, there's got to be a pony in there!"

So why, "Jedi Nights"?

Well, I think it's a great idea to never let a day go by without taking enthusiastic action. Like the lad who desired a pony, set your ambition boldly for the day. At the end of the day, when night comes, you may discover you'd really only been sifting and shifting s**t all day, but you will have enjoyed the journey because you did it with all your heart! The poo might be the same, just in a different place, but you will be different. Same s**t, different day? Not really, because you will have become stronger and more resilient in the process...and nothing will ever be the same again.

Just Enthusiastically Do It!


A Moodscope member.

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