Jellyfish in custard

6 Aug 2023

Hello you, I’m writing to say I’m going to take a little pause from writing blogs. Lately, I’ve been burning the candle at both ends trying to hold my family as they wriggle like jellyfish in custard.

There is no easy or fast fix.  My parents are in differing stages of poor health, my younger sibling I believe is an alcoholic, my children are young adults but their different needs are firmly still in the transition phase (we are a small unit, and I’m not the parent who pulls up a drawbridge when it will naturally happen anyway, I’m here for all of it).

Writing is one of my tools to lean on, and it helps to steady my mental health. It helps me to breathe. So pausing is a bit risky! But, I also find my mind is tending toward irritation, complaining and to the bothersome stuff and that is not what I want to offer when I write.  

The sensible thing is to trim what is possible to trim and make little gaps which can be grown bigger again. I’m absolutely ok, I just need to be sensible. I think this is the part in the poem when I see the hole and look in rather than fall.

Keep me a seat. I won’t be too long. And look after yourself. 

Love from 

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member

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