Joy Juice

30 Dec 2019

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Joy to Your World.

Joy is your strength.

Joy is your birthright.

Joy is your normal state of being - naturally.

So, what's all this darkness then?

It's an invasion, and we need to repel it.

With three sons and now five grandchildren, I have a lot of opportunity to watch 'natural' states in the wild! There are many:













I'm sure you can guess which of these lead towards freedom and which steal our liberty, which bring us pleasure, and which cause us pain.

Joy has a cousin called happiness – but happiness is from out-of-town. She comes from outside. Joy is part of the inner circle of the tribe. Or, to speak plainly, happiness (in my narrow definition) is a state that is dependent on what happens to us [extrinsic], and joy is an inside job [intrinsic]. Therein lies much hope for those of us facing dark days.

Honestly? I'm dancing with linguistics here – since Joy can 'come' from outside. For example, good news can bring us joy. A desire fulfilled can bring joy... but for the limited purpose of this blog, let's focus on the aspect of joy that is an inner force that can light our way through darkness. If we were talking Star Wars, Joy is an aspect of the Light Side of the Force!

My own spiritual tradition believes that 'Joy' is a spiritual force for change – an aspect of the fruit of the spirit. It is said to be 'full' when in God's presence. Knowing that this blog must resonate with all belief-systems, let's consider where and when and with whom you feel most in touch with the 'divine' – or something 'bigger'. If I share first that is only because I am writing this – I am far more interested in what your fuel-for-joy is – your recipe for Joy Juice!

Nature is the BIG ingredient for me.

The joy I feel in seeing a flock of Long-Tailed Tits or a Nuthatch or Treecreeper!

Laughter – especially of children is another huge component of Lex's Joy Juice!

And Music... so much power stored in associations with various compositions.

These are my celery, carrot, and onion for the best Stock!

I hope you'll share your ingredients for Joy Juice.

However, there is a much deeper purpose to my focus upon joy today. Those who follow in my tradition also believe that joy is strength. When we go through the valleys of darkness, we need strength to continue. I want you to be stronger as a result of reading this today. How? By making up a batch and then taking a good dose of your own recipe for Joy Juice.

What's it going to take for you to feel injoyment today?


A Moodscope member.

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