
3 Nov 2019

J is for judging people which we all do. Fairly or unfairly. We know only what we see displayed by their behaviour, not the whole of them. Alas. If only we knew...!

U is for usual. It is usual to greet, thank, be civil and praise. If someone fails to do this, does it make them any less human or deserving?

D is for dread. Dread and fear of putting a foot wrong. Some people seem to be looking for you to do this. To pounce and condemn.

G is for generous spirits. They are thankfully everywhere. Kind words heal wounds and nourish the soul.

E is for everyone. Everyone needs love and understanding. Even when they don't behave well. We haven't walked a mile in their shoes.

M is for mercy. Show mercy to the man with the Big Issue, for instance. Alright, so he might be a rogue, but then, he might not be. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

E is for essence. And unique qualities. What is the essence of your being? How do you like to define yourself, in essence?

N is for nurture. Nurture your inner self. Be kind to it, that way, you'll treat others similarly well.

T is for tenacity. Holding on, koko, or keeping on keeping on. Which Moodscopers have in abundance, thank goodness!

(My loose (and by no means definitive!) interpretation of the word "judgement" as an acrostic. Humbly offered. I like acrostics because they get my mind thinking.)



A Moodscope member.

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