Just a note.

18 Jun 2013

Going to a networking meeting last Friday I was listening to Classic FM, as tends to be my default choice, when they played Mendelssohn's Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream. I must have heard this piece a hundred times, but for some reason, this time I really listened to it. Thank goodness there was very little traffic on the road as I'm not at all sure I was driving with due care and attention, being almost literally away with the fairies!

Arriving at the meeting the piece hadn't finished and I made the decision to stay in my car, listening through to the very last note. It was amazing. I was totally absorbed and uplifted by that fabulous piece of music and went into the meeting in a really good mood.

Now, obviously this won't work for you if music isn't your thing, and I'm not sure that it works with the majority of Rock music (I seem to remember getting very melancholy in my younger days listening to Marillion, Black Sabbath, Jethro Tull etc.) It might not work with some of the heavier Russian composers, but I think it's worth a try.

Bach's Brandenburg Concertos are pieces of mathematically precise delight, Gershwin sweeps us away in the arms of seductive Jazz (for me, always shaped like the delightful Jessica Rabbit), and always, always, Mendelssohn is full of joy. I could go on, but if you love classical music you're already with me and if you don't – well, I won't try to convert you.

In fact, bearing in mind today's rather depressing Moodscope score (chicken, egg, anyone?) I think I'm signing off in order to spend some time in Fingal's Cave on right now...

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