Keep showing up…

20 Jul 2020

No, I haven’t learnt a new instrument or mastered a foreign language.

No, I haven’t written that novel, short story or play.

No, I haven’t made sour dough bread or any bloomin’ bread for that matter.

No, I haven’t followed any recipes or knitting or sewing patterns. 

No, I haven’t become an expert home-schooling mother.

No, I haven’t de-cluttered or organised my work space.

No, I haven’t sorted out the volumes of photographs into albums.

No, I haven’t resisted eating far too many snacks and treats. 

No, I haven’t …

Yes, I have managed to keep the kids and myself fed and watered. 

Yes, I have managed to do one yoga practice a day.

Yes, I have managed to take the dog for one or two walks a day.

Yes, I have managed to have a dip in the sea on those lovely warm days.

Yes, I have shopped once a week despite my high anxiety levels.

Yes, I have hoovered, cleaned and done vast amounts of clothes washing.

Yes, I have watched too many netflix shows.

Yes, I have managed to read a few books.

Yes, I have managed to do the work that had to be done. 

Yes, I have insisted we eat dinner together every evening.

Yes, I have (strangely?) been sleeping better and longer (mostly). 

Yes, I have had intense mood swings from week to week.

Yes, I have…

My favourite mantras are ‘take it one day at a time’ and ‘this too shall pass’.

Never are they as important to me as they are right now.

I am proud about my daily yoga practice. Even on the days I am feeling anxious and / or headachy, I do it. On those heavy days, I may not do it first thing in the morning but, before the day is out, I do my yoga. 

And even if I have to drag myself to the mat, I always, always feel better about myself, about my body, about my life, about the world in general, afterwards. 

As my online yoga teacher says ‘well done, you got yourself onto the mat, that’s the trick… keep going… keep showing up…’  

Keep showing up…

Salt Water Mum x

A Moodscope member.

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