How do we keep a feeling of ‘up’ when everything is pulling with gravity? One answer is to steal. This is one time when stealing is not just good but possibly essential.
(1) If you can trust somebody - confide and then steal some hope. Allies might not fix things for us but they will believe in improvement when you can’t.
(2) If you can’t trust - steal from the birds. They never know what the weather will be like or when the next meal is arriving, and still they sing. That song is for you to hold, it says “we’re here together”.
(3) Steal a dream - think back to the first film you saw in a picture house. Who were you with? How did you feel? Rest in that place, even if it makes you cry.
(4) Steal focus - when down, you very likely have no focus for yourself, perhaps only for others. Make their focus yours and ask if you can help. You could mention you’re not feeling your best and this gives you the option of saying you’d quite like the company, or it can give you a reason to leave if you need that.
(5) Steal time if you need it - this can be invaluable. Time to sit and stare can be upsetting but it can also allow root troubles to reach the surface. If we’re going to whack them with a tennis bat, we need to know what they are.
Lastly, the film ‘Up’ is an utter joy. Very special indeed. It always brings me up, even just for a little bit.
Love from
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