Kitchen and cooking mishaps

20 Jun 2024

When I was about ten years old, I started making popcorn but was always curious as to how they popped. I had an opaque lid so I couldn’t see. I had been told by my parents never to open the lid. One day when my mum was on the phone, I really wanted to take the lid off, after all, what could happen. I soon discovered that the popcorn could go all over the kitchen in every nook and cranny. I also learnt this story would be repeated about me quite often by my parents until they died. Now we have glass lids so curious children can see the corn popping!!

When I was nineteen and interested in organic cooking, I made wholemeal loaf but it was so dense and so hard that it could be used as a brick!

I am hoping Moodscopers you are willing to share your own cooking or kitchen mishaps or those of family or friends.

At the time of a mishap, it can be hard to see the funny side, but with time they do make an amusing anecdote.


A Moodscope member

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