Know it all

30 May 2024

Do you know someone who thinks they know everything and is always right? It may be a friend, a family member, a neighbour, a work colleague, or a stranger.

A know it all or Mr or Ms always right, have to spend their time telling others how they are right even if it means making the other person feel exceedingly small.

I am not talking about people who you would want on your trivia team, but a know it all. While they may have a wide general knowledge, the main point is to correct others and make them feel ignorant.

I wonder if any Moodscopers know someone like this and if they do, how they cope with them.

Depending on my relationship with them I try to be calm or avoid them if I can.

You may have another name for this behaviour and the person may be aware of their behaviour so it can be a joke among friends.

I think when one finds oneself avoiding the person it may be a problem.

I look forward to your posts.

Do you know any one who may be a know it all and how do they behave?


A Moodscope member

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