Knowing how to be

8 Jun 2019

Was there ever a time and when men were men and women were women and people knew how to be?

People often talk about 'the good old days', but back then the stereotypes of what it meant to be male or female, young and old, could be very restrictive.

For people in modern culture, there are conflicting messages on 'how to be'... Do you be strong and tough and bottle up your emotions, do you find it hard to be assertive without people saying you are aggressive, do your children tell you to act your age?

I understand as a mother of sons how hard it can be working out their role in life.

I also feel as a woman who is aging in a society where youth and beauty are valued it can seem that once you pass a certain age you become a bit invisible.

I wonder what a world would look like where everyone is free to be what they want to be if they are harming no one or the environment, there would be no pressure to act like a man, or a woman or to act your age etc.

If we could be free of gender, age, social stereotypes would we be more likely to like ourselves more?

Or am I kidding myself that this is just a dream.

I wonder what other people think.

Are you comfortable being who you are, or do you feel there are restrictions on how you behave based on your gender and or age.?


A Moodscope member.

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