Learning from comments.

19 May 2017

I know Moodscope is best known for its test and charting of moods, but the thing I find most helpful is listening and learning from others through comments.

There is such a diverse range of experiences and ideas so I am always eager to read what people have written. I have been so touched by the honesty in comments and the raw emotions, I have been in tears as I read them. I am also touched by the kindness and compassion for others.

Some people have commented that they don't know what to write because they feel it has already been said and they don't feel confident about expressing their ideas or worry no-one is listening or interested in their ideas.

It is our inner critic trying to undermine our confidence. Everyone can express their thoughts and share their ideas with others.

I see blogs as just the springboard for so many ideas and sharing of so many stories I know many people are happy to read and that is great.

I am always curious as to why someone who has never commented or rarely comments decides to reply. It so good to hear from new voices.

I wonder how we can encourage more people to comment - if they want to of course. Also, what makes people want to comment a lot. I know I like to give feedback to the blogger because I know I appreciate it.

Do you have any ideas of how to encourage someone who wants to comment but is unsure and worried?

What do you find helpful about comments?


A Moodscope member

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