Let it go... Let it go...

24 Feb 2017

Families, eh? Can't live with 'em... Can't live without 'em!!

When I am in the middle of a family fued/fight/disagreement/issue or even simply sitting watching from the sidelines or listening to others, I try to think...WWJD? (As Christian teenager's wristbands often remind them... "What Would Jesus Do?")

It makes me stop before I speak and try to see things from the perspectives of:

A. God the Father, our ultimate judge and Jesus His Son, our Saviour

B. The 'instigator or aggressor' and their loyal friends and family

C. An unbiased onlooker

D. Myself as a child and as an adult

Looking at an issue from different perspectives can help me avoid saying or doing something I may later regret. Once hurtful words are spoken we have no control over their impact. (Even if you later apologise - the damage is done - you can't take them back again!).

This is the first time I have had the courage to write a blog, although I have commented occasionally in the past...

I feel empowered by simply putting my thoughts into words on yet another restless night at 4.30 am on the morning and sharing with this wonderful moodscope community so I'd encourage anyone who is a bit nervous of blogging for the 1st time..'JUST DO IT!'

I was diagnosed with bipolar about 30 years ago and have to take meds with nasty side effects, but if only I could practice what I preach I am still hopeful life could just be calm enough for me to manage without the meds at all.


A Moodscope member.

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