Let your happiness start now.

14 Dec 2017

Only a few weeks to Christmas and the race has started already.

"I'm busy, sorry I'll call you later, see you later, I have to go lots of things to do, catch up another time..." the same words over and over again. It's mad busy out there, may be good busy but it's still busy with the endless run to shops, buying gifts, sending cards, arranging dinners, meeting friends, going out and do not forget the "New Year resolution list".

The so exciting and apprehensive new year list with all the "I must and I will do this and that... to be happy in 2018."

Not surprisingly, with all these things to do and race to run, the Christmas holidays are the height of the flu season.

What about the real meaning of this magical season? Would not the real Christmas miracle be if we slowed down long enough to remember the reason for this festivity so that our celebrations became authentic and meaningful?

So let's slow down and look at our lists again so we can choose to let only what we love best about the holiday remain. Now we can finally relax and be delighted by the sounds of bells and joyful music, savor the aroma of the roast turkey and gingerbread, sipping hot chocolate and re-creating cherished customs that care for our souls and the souls of our loved ones.

Let you happiness start NOW!

Have a peaceful and joyful Christmas


A Moodscope member.

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