Letting My Compass Be My Guide.

2 Jan 2018

My mind is often drawn to thoughts about what's wrong and how to deal with it. If only these same things didn't spoil everything! They can consume me if I let them. They don't go away. They are what they are. There's just no point in immersing myself in them.

They are not my whole life though! In fact they are really quite a small fraction of it which tend to seem bigger because of the amount of attention I give them. It doesn't feel good. So I try to keep them in their place.

Does it help anyone to look back at what has moved forward, in a good way from 2017?

For me, looking back at how I have achieved a change in my home, that gives me a feeling of space and a new fresh feeling, amazes me! Something which if I'd thought too much about, wouldn't have seemed possible! I had help of course, but I've done it and it's good.

It's enabled me to tackle the clutter and that feels good too. That's all boxed up. Box by box I'm going to do it. Not so impossible now!

The New Year will just be the start of more moving forward. No pressure and no effort that doesn't feel natural. A fresh start, allowing my inner compass to guide me through. I have no plan or any resolutions. I'm just going with my trust in knowing that with the rubbish firmly in its place, where it belongs, (there will always be rubbish! ;) and support when it's needed for the hard stuff, (there will always be hard stuff), the start of 2018 will be the beginning of more moving forward. It just happens.

It's a great feeling to stand up and look back at how far I've come. That one thing that has improved for me has sprung to mind. I think if I were to make a list, it'd be longer than I expected!

Are there good things from 2017 for you? Either one, or maybe more? They might remind others of things they have achieved or feel good about. You might have simply been true to yourself, which was difficult in a certain situation. It might spring to mind straight away or may occur to you later.

For now my very best wishes to you all. I'll be going gently, allowing that inner compass to be my guide.

Love and light from

Lillypet x

A Moodscope member.

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