Letting out the mad.

17 Sep 2013

There are some beliefs/cultures whose understanding is that when a person dies the windows should be opened so that the spirit of the deceased can be freed. I think this custom could be used to illustrate that there are times when, due to bitter disappointment, sadness or grief, we can have a 'spirit of madness' within us and that 'windows' must be opened so as to let the madness out, to free it.

For reasons I won't go into just now I had a lot of 'mad' in me last night. I'd taken to my bed in the afternoon feeling utterly overwhelmed with life. Lying there though, I knew I had a lot of mad, hysteria, adrenalin, call it what you will, surging through me. I was infinitely grateful for the fact that the house was empty in the evening, and so slipped into the dvd player, Coldplay's Live 2012 and turned the sound up to its loudest. My intention had been to get cleaning and dusting but instead I jumped, whooped, danced and sang like a wild banshee. I let out the mad. And boy, did my body and mind thank me for that.

I remember some months after the death of my father, who I thought was invincible, almost calmly, asking my mum not to fret but I was going outside to smash some plates. I took a pile of old, cheap crockery and slammed them as hard as I could against the wall and pavement. I now see that I needed some tangible evidence of destruction (in a non-anti-social way and without hurting anyone or anything) that night. Breaking the plates, I believe, stopped something breaking in my mind. I let out the mad.

Suffice to say, it's important to know when we need to let out our mad (safely of course). I think it will almost certainly help our living spirit, rest in peace.

(You may also enjoy the post from August 12 - Flipping The Lid)

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