L'exercise regime per annum.

15 Jun 2015

Joined a Gym in January;

Fought the Flab in February;

Managed more Mindfulness in March;

Attitude Adjustment in April;

More Mindfulness in May as My Memory… erm;

Jogged dutifully in June;

Jumped Joyously all July;

Added Additional Attitudinal Adjustments in August… from the Beach;

Sought Solace in Sacred Silence in September;

Ought to do more in October, but didn't;

Not much in November neither;

Decided in December to do more...in January!

I go through "Cycles of Good Intent" – and the cycles continue because I inevitably run out of enthusiasm...or time!

No deep message today save that of, "be gentle with yourself" and "honour the Seasons."

You see, your body is one amazing set of clocks and cycles. Sometimes we attach our commitment to the wrong cycle. For example, we might set a goal for the year ahead whereas we would be kinder and more sensible to think a month ahead. This is the kindness of the Gentle Moon in contrast with the intensity of the Sun.

Even the Sun has Seasons in the Temperate Climates – 90 days is enough. Set a goal for Spring; Another for Summer...it is here! Like a Fashion House, work on your Autumn/Fall Collection; And remember Winter has it's unique charms.

If you have s-t-r-e-t---c-------h----------e---------------d too far, come back a bit and think, "Is this a goal for a Season? No? How about a Month? No? How about the Week Ahead? No? How about Just For Today?"

And sometimes, just sometimes, the next 90 minutes is enough to cope with.

Loving thoughts from Lex!

A Moodscope member.

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