Lies. White lies, black lies, creative lies, and poetic license

24 Oct 2024

Consider this.

When asked, nearly everyone will say they do not like being lied to, yet nearly everyone has lied at least once in their life and many, if honest, would admit having lied recently. If no one likes being lied to, why do you keep on lying to others. I can hear some of you saying wait, I don’t lie, I tell white lies or I am creative with the truth, or I take poetic license with the truth.

What is it about lying that some of us even lie about the fact we lied? People often say I only want the truth but then they get mad at people when they hear the truth. Do you think there is a difference between telling a white lie, being creative with the truth and using poetic licence?

Can you recall the last lie you lied? Is a black lie like the worst lie or is it the same as other lies? Do you regret lying? Do you only tell a lie to protect another person to save them from hurt and emotional pain?


A Moodscope member

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